Monday, February 06, 2006

Show and Tell

It's been a crazy week for reb, and instead of packing and getting myself off to NH as I should be right now, I am trying to jot off an update for you, my dear readers. As you can see, I have received my egg cups and put them into use. JessieE rocks, as I'm sure you people know, and a "set" of egg cups amounts to six of them, apparently. I hope you can tell from the photo just how dainty they are. The china is the milky, semi-opaque type which I loooove... the white background has a glow of pale blue. Plus they are quite functional, and you know what a stickler I am for that sort of thing.

Soft-boiled eggs are a lot more filling than you might think. It seems like such a tiny amount of food, and yet this baby is a protein bomb! I've determined that one egg is plenty (for me) when eaten with toast. Er, or english muffin. I've discovered the best english muffins in the world, sold not in my grocery store but in fact right across the street from me at Walgreen's. "Bay's". Yeah, I'd never heard of them before, either. Really I could get away with just half the muffin, but for a real stick-to-your-ribs don't-need-to-eat-until-dinner type of breakfast, I eat the other half with my Rara's raspberry jam and a packet of peaches n' cream oatmeal. And to think I never used to eat breakfast at all.


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